About Us

Company Overview


This official company profile to enable our client to know us better, is this document, a detailed information connected to the company are narrated with documentary events. We have taken trouble also to debate in details key legal and administrative document connected to the company, all this is to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the company time and gain do operate withing the ambiguity of law. In order to prove that official line of authority is in place. We have taken trouble outline the current management structure in order to elaborate who is who in the company, who is doing what when and why and lastly who is reporting what to who when and why. In our custody, a detailed management annual is time and again referred to and its among our guiding documents. To prove our experience, we have annexed together with this profile list of projects conducted in United Republic of Tanzania, be that from private individual, central government, NGO’s and corporate/parastatal, all this is to prove that our team is experienced, knowledgeable, exposed and academically educated. Time and again, in all our day-to-day activities, we are properly guided by the policy and laws and in order for us to make sure that all is well planned, timely implemented and effectively controlled, our company we have in place a well-versed counting manual. Due to this basic fact almost all the project are done and which are still in the pipeline are project connected to very respected individuals, NGOs, local government and sometimes the central Government, to add value to our strength of our company, we are official registered also with TANAPA this document. Our motor always be to conserve the environment in our day-to-day activities. To prove value for money for all projects, maintain quality of work which is timely executed and lastly our company for so many years has been known as a corrupt free zone



Try us and you will never regret!


Salum Mohamed Abdallah and Jocelyn Robert Mbise are married couple, they decide to form a limited liability company in order for the as citizens of this country, they wanted to achieve in doing the following;

  • To practically utilize their professionalism in building this nation as citizen of Tanzania.
  • They wanted to create employment to fellow citizen and lastly
  • They wanted to transfer technology to fellow citizen as professionals in different discipline.

Due to above mentioned basic facts, they formed the company styled as         Zowange JR Enterprises Limited the same was registered with Brella and other related Government offices as the result, the company have got all the key legal and administrative documents. -The same are annexed together with this company profile and they form part of this company profile.


As narrated under Para 1above the company the company has got all the key legal and administrative documents, the same time and again will enable the company to operate professionally, profitably and within the a, bit of law – just for the sake of interest, one is advised to refer to document from Annexure A-G


Time and again the company is properly guided by a well verses management manual, in order o make sure that the company generated profit and contribute handsomely to the national confer and it creates employment to reach to that level, the current management line of authority is per illustration No.1

Illustration 1


In order to affect a professional line of authority the company have in place a well-versed management, manual which is referred in order to affect a professional line of authority.


In order to make sure that the company is operating in conformity to laws and policies the company time and gain we have been extra careful t make sure that the keys laws and policies are adhered to, among them they include that of;

  • The companies Act 2002
  • The Income Tax Act 2004
  • The Environmental Act
  • The Business License Act 1972 No.25 as amended in 1980
  • Tanzania Investment Act 1979
  • The Immigration Policy in case of foreign projects
  • Value Added Tax Act No 29 of 1997
  • Contractor Registration Act No 17 of 1997
  • Procurement Act to name but a few

There are policies also which guide the company, among them they include that of;

  • Construction Policy and that of Investment Policy of October 1996 not forgetting the Environmental Policy.

A detailed list of what the company have done so far and what Companies, Private Individuals, City Councils, District Councils, Parastatal, Schools and the like prove that the company is ready, able, and willing to perform any assignment/job. What is needed is to abide and comply to relevant law as policies and procedures of the would-be clients (refer to Annexure D & E).


A correct narrated under para 5 we have done a lot of assignment one is requested to refer to pictorial presentation of the same to see what we have done and what we are still doing Appendix D & E can also be referred to prove this basic fact.



It is our company policy to have meeting with our client for an official brief, once all this is done, we usually visit the site and once we agreed to agreed and all the key and legal and administrative document are tendered to respective offices, we usually write a detailed memorandum of understanding. This M.O.U have got all the details of how the job will be performed, mode of payments, credit policy discount etc. for any interested party can give sample of our companies M.O.U


Our team of staff are well motivated, painstaking and dedicated staff our company have official contract with other professional who time and gain are recalled for special assignment-A detailed human resource structure, academic theory, number of staff experienced and other related details per Annexure C



Time and gain in all key issues which are related to management-a detailed management manual is a key document to refer, this document has assisted the company to draw a professional line of authority which have proved to be very effective and have provided by positive result to our client.


As it has been with management manual the companies account manual assists the management and shareholders of the company to plan properly, act timely and control effectively. It because of this document the company in all these years have managed to prepare operations budget and capital budget. This approach has assisted the company to accomplish all the assignments in time using the amount of money as per memorandum of understanding and also prove the value for money. To prove these basic facts, one is advised to refer to Annexure E & F.


According to the policy of our company, credits are always offered depending om nature of assignment/construction, deposit received and terms in the contract.


It is the policy of the company to make sure no job will be accepted by management of the company without detailed contract which is dully assigned by both parties.


Key principle of our company can be summarized under

  • In all assignment environmental issues need to be taken care from day one to last day of project implementation period.
  • Value for money need to be witnessed by our client as well as usually make sure that our client is aware of every stage of our assignments/construction and implementation program.
  • Quality of our work is proved by several certificate the company have received (refer annexure E & F)
  • To us corruption is not among the usual vocabulary in use at our office.

We are open to do business with Private Individual, Parastatal, Central Government, Local Government, Government Institution, Schools, Colleges, Hospitals, Dispensaries private or government owned. In short, we are ready, willing, and able to be assigned any construction work in all regions of Tanzania mainland

Vision Statement

Our vision to be one of the most respected general contracting firm in Tanzania and Africa, and to provide quality service and solution to our clients.

Zowange Jr. Enterprises Ltd is committed to provide the highest quality professional construction services in the country. This committed can only be maintained through the efforts of its people.

We believe that in order to maintain and grow our dedicated staff, we must provide a challenging stable and pleasant work environment, which offers many opportunities to grow both personally and professionally.


Our mission is to achieve the quality and stability of our client.

Transfer skills and build capacity

Improve performance of small contractor.

To be one of the most respected general construction firms worldwide.

To improve the infrastructure and welfare of the poorest communities in Tanzania we commit our skills and resource to be benefit of the neediest people we serve.